

Year wise Loan Portfolio as on March, 2023

The below graph is showing year wise outstanding. Servitium’s portfolio was 1167.92 Lakhs on March 2022. Servitium was able to maintain a standard growth rate this year. As a result, Servitium has achieved a gross loan portfolio of INR 3019.18 Lakhs till March 2023, with a year-on-year growth of 158.51 %.

Loans under different sub sector as of March, 2023

The below graph is showing sector wise loan outstanding. Purpose of loans has assumed significant importance as per the RBI regulations that stipulates – aggregate amount of loans, given for income generation, should be not less than 50% of the total loans given by the MFIs. In case of Servitium’s the aggregate loan for Income Generating Activities is 95.40 % as on March 31, 2023.


Growth chart of Members & Borrowers

The bellow chart is illustrating Growth Borrowers.
Servitium is currently serving 13983 borrowers across two districts in the states of West Bengal and Bihar with an increase of 135.84 % over the previous year. We have 13983 borrowers base as on March, 2023. With the motivation and determination to take its operation on a bigger scale, Servitium is set for significant growth this year.

Year wise Loan Disbursement Amount (In Lakh.)

The bellow graph defines Year wise Loan Disbursement Amount. Servitium has disbursed an amount of INR 4765.35 Lakh in total with a growth of 212 % as compared to last year. Servitium has an outstanding amount of 3019.18 Lakh. with a base of 13983 borrowers and is continuously trying to serve more and more un-served / under-served women of the poorest section of the community with the continuous effort of a team of 40 committed and hardworking personnel.
